The Revenueify REVUP Assessment assesses five critical areas of your revenue organization to determine exactly what you need to do to improve sales and prepare to sell managed services.
This groundbreaking new process was created for AV, security, and IT integrators, and it's founded in data analytics and more than 15 years of research in growing RMR.
We receive a lot of questions about our assessment process and how it impacts revenue organizations, so we thought we would answer them here!
What Is the REVUP Assessment?
The REVUP Assessment is a process created by Revenueify to assess five critical areas of your revenue organization:
Sales skills
Revenue operations process
Sales operations
Managed services readiness
Ability to meet company objectives
By conducting this assessment, you will be know exactly where to invest to maximize your ROI to improve your revenue organization.
Why Should I Use the REVUP Assessment?
There are many benefits you can expect from the REVUP Assessment. First, it helps you maximize your ROI by investing in only the most important areas of your business.
Second, you can grow your managed services business and revenue organization by jumpstarting your efforts to drive this high-margin solution.
Finally, you can make every dollar of revenue better by no longer wasting time and money in the wrong areas.
What Areas Do You Look at During the Assessment Process?
Revenue Area 1: Salespeople's Sales Skills
Are salespeople meeting their quota?
Do salespeople have the necessary sales skills?
Do salespeople need more training?
Do salespeople need coaching?
Revenue Area 2: Revenue Organization and Operations
Do you have a defined process for your revenue operations?
Is your process documented and followed by all members of your team?
Do you need to make changes to your process?
Revenue Area 3: Sales Process
Are your sales operations effective?
Do you need to make changes to our sales operations?
Do you have the necessary tools and resources in place to support your sales operations?
Can you support the critical areas of growing managed services with your funnel?
Revenue Area 4: Managed Services Readiness
Are you ready to launch a managed services offering?
Do you have the necessary tools and resources in place to support a managed services offering?
Revenue Area 5: Ability to Meet Company Objectives
Are your revenue objectives realistic and achievable?
Do you have a plan in place to achieve your revenue objectives?
Do you need to make changes to your revenue objectives or plan?
After completing these assessments, you can use the results to guide decision-making and investments for maximum ROI potential!
What does the REVUP Assessment Cost?
The REVUP Assessment investment cost is based on your overall revenue. This is due to the complexity of the assessment as revenue amounts get higher. Generally, integrators with higher revenues have more complex organizations. As a result, it takes longer to uncover root issues.
Up to $10 million in revenue = $2,000
$10 million-$25 million in revenue = $3,000
$25 million-$50 million in revenue = $5,000
$50 million-$100 million in revenue = $10,000
Over $100 million in revenue = based on hours and objectives
There are always variables that could change these amounts, so connect with us today to talk about your specific objectives.
How Do I Get Started?
Connect with us today to get started! Reach out to Tyler@revenueify.today, and we can see if this process would be a good fit for you!
